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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/11
Planning Board
August 2, 2011
Approved September 6, 2011

Members Present:  Tom Vannatta, Chair; Ron Williams, Vice-Chair; Bill Weiler, Bruce Healey, Travis Dezotell, Russell Smith, Members; Alison Kinsman, Alternates; Rachel Ruppel, Advisor.

Mr. Vannatta called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.


The Board signed the mylar for Case 2011-010, Bell Engineering, Inc. & Bart & Jane Henderson for property located on High Point Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 030-288-296 and 030-314-262, for a Lot Line Adjustment.  

UVLSRPC Conference
Ms. Ruppel said over 50 people expressed interest in a UVLSRPC Fall Conference and plans are moving forward for a one-day conference on October 29, 2011. She said the conference location may be at the Newport Opera House.

The Board reviewed the minutes of July 5, 2011 and made corrections. Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Weiler seconded the motion. All in favor.

B&B and Cottage Industry Definitions
Ms. Ruppel reviewed the Board’s discussion from the last work session regarding differentiating B&Bs from Inns noting that B&Bs are limited to six rooms for transient overnight accommodation with a morning meal provided and may be in a residential district. Inns are only permitted in a commercial district, serve meals to the general public as well as overnight guests and have more than six rooms for rent.

Ms. Ruppel updated the proposed definition language for B&Bs as follows: Article II Definitions, Bed and Breakfast: Overnight accommodations and a morning meal provided to transients for compensation on a day-to-day basis, in a building or group of buildings with six or fewer guest rooms.   

Additionally, Ms. Ruppel reviewed Article IV: Business District (4.10) and Article V: Residential District (5.7) Accessory Apartments, particularly the following proposed language: 4.10.5 Accessory apartments shall not be rented on a per diem basis.

Both proposed changes were tabled until the fall meeting covering proposed amendment changes to the ordinance for Town Meeting.

CIP Status & Schedule
Mr. Vannatta said the CIP has met once and the next meeting is August 8, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Weiler asked if South Newbury Town Hall is under consideration by the CIP. Mr. Vannatta said not at this time and invited Mr. Weiler to the upcoming meeting as an agent of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Weiler said the Newbury Historical Society is trying to save the building and the CIP should recommend a capital reserve fund for preserving that building in the future. He added that both the South Newbury Town Hall and the Grange should be considered by the CIP.

Frontage Definition Discussion
There was discussion about the definition of road frontage in the zoning ordinance under Article II Definitions, 2.58 Frontage, Road. Mr. Weiler noted that the definition states that the frontage shall be on “a town or State maintained highway, or subdivision road approved by the Planning Board”. He added that the same regulation is not included in Article IV (Business District), 4.5 Frontage Requirement, and Article V (Residential District), 5.8 Frontage Requirement. He recommended removing the regulation language from 2.58 and adding it to 4.5 and 5.8.

Discussion followed. The Board requested that Ms. Ruppel draft proposed language to update 4.5 and 5.8 for review at the next work session meeting.      

PB Advisor Programs
Mr. Vannatta discussed the existing demands placed on Ms. Ruppel and suggested that she continue reviewing the site plan regulations, participating in the CIP process, preparing amendments to the zoning ordinance for Town Meeting, and continuing to consult/advise the Board during all meetings. He added that Ms. Ruppel is adequately challenged at this time, that the Board is extremely pleased with her work and value her contributions. He said a written review of her work will be drafted and circulated to the Board for review and input.

Mr. Weiler indicated that he would like to work with Ms. Ruppel on the site plan regulations review.  Mr. Vannatta concurred. There was discussion about the site plan regulations, particularly aesthetics and driveway regulations.     

Transient Businesses
There was discussion about the Planning Board’s role in regulating transient businesses such as hot dog stands and other seasonal enterprises. There was discussion about mixing different businesses on the same site, such as retail trade (bicycle sales) and retail service (smoothie stand). Ms. Ruppel noted that regarding the bicycle/smoothie situation, the seasonal smoothie stand is considered an additional use on the existing property. Mr. Weiler cautioned the Board about over-regulating.

There was further discussion about vendor permits for transient seasonal businesses at the harbor location.

Mr. Weiler suggested that at some point in the future the Board should look at regulations regarding transient business. Meanwhile, the Board should not regulate such enterprises.   

Mr. Vannatta said the topic of subdivision fees will be discussed at the next work session meeting.

Mr. Dezotell made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary